
class parfive.SessionConfig(http_proxy=None, https_proxy=None, headers=<factory>, chunksize=1024, file_progress=True, notebook=None, log_level=None, use_aiofiles=False, timeouts=None, aiohttp_session_generator=None, env=<factory>, done_callbacks=())[source]#

Bases: object

Configuration options for parfive.Downloader.

Attributes Summary


A function to override the generation of the aiohttp.ClientSession object.


The default chunksize to be used for transfers over HTTP.


A list of functions to be called when a download is completed.


If True (the default) a progress bar will be shown (if any progress bars are shown) for every file, in addition for one showing progress of downloading all file.


The URL of a proxy to use for HTTP requests.


The URL of a proxy to use for HTTPS requests.


If not None configure the logger to log to stderr with this log level.


Override automatic detection of Jupyter notebook for drawing progress bars.


The aiohttp.ClientTimeout object to control the timeouts used for all HTTP requests.


Enables using aiofiles to write files to disk in their own thread pool.

Attributes Documentation

aiohttp_session_generator: Optional[Callable[[SessionConfig], ClientSession]] = None#

A function to override the generation of the aiohttp.ClientSession object.

Due to the fact that this session needs to be instantiated inside the asyncio context this option is a function. This function takes one argument which is the instance of this SessionConfig class. It is expected that you pass the .headers attribute of the config instance through to the headers= keyword argument of the session you instantiate.

chunksize: float = 1024#

The default chunksize to be used for transfers over HTTP.

done_callbacks: Iterable[Callable[[str, str, Optional[Exception]], None]] = ()#

A list of functions to be called when a download is completed.

The signature of the function to be called is f(filepath: str, url: str, error: Optional[Exception]). If successful, error will be None, else the occured exception or asyncio.CancelledError.

file_progress: bool = True#

If True (the default) a progress bar will be shown (if any progress bars are shown) for every file, in addition for one showing progress of downloading all file.

http_proxy: Optional[str] = None#

The URL of a proxy to use for HTTP requests. Will default to the value of the HTTP_PROXY env var.

https_proxy: Optional[str] = None#

The URL of a proxy to use for HTTPS requests. Will default to the value of the HTTPS_PROXY env var.

log_level: Optional[str] = None#

If not None configure the logger to log to stderr with this log level.

notebook: Optional[bool] = None#

Override automatic detection of Jupyter notebook for drawing progress bars. If None tqdm will automatically detect if it can draw rich notebook progress bars. If False or True notebook mode will be forced off or on.

timeouts: Optional[ClientTimeout] = None#

The aiohttp.ClientTimeout object to control the timeouts used for all HTTP requests.

By default the total timeout is set to 0 (never timeout) and the sock_read timeout is set to 90 seconds. These defaults can also be overridden by the PARFIVE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT and PARFIVE_SOCK_READ_TIMEOUT environment variables.

use_aiofiles: Optional[bool] = False#

Enables using aiofiles to write files to disk in their own thread pool.

The default value is False.

This argument will be overridden by the PARFIVE_OVERWRITE_ENABLE_AIOFILES environment variable. If aiofiles can not be imported then this will be set to False.