Source code for parfive.config

import os
import platform
import warnings
from typing import Dict, Union, Callable, Iterable, Optional

    from typing import Literal  # Added in Python 3.8
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal  # type: ignore

from dataclasses import InitVar, field, dataclass

import aiohttp

import parfive
from parfive.utils import ParfiveUserWarning

__all__ = ["DownloaderConfig", "SessionConfig"]

def _default_headers():
    return {
        "User-Agent": f"parfive/{parfive.__version__}"
        f" aiohttp/{aiohttp.__version__}"
        f" python/{platform.python_version()}"

def _default_aiohttp_session(config: "SessionConfig") -> aiohttp.ClientSession:
    The aiohttp session with the kwargs stored by this config.

    `aiohttp.ClientSession` expects to be instantiated in a asyncio context
    where it can get a running loop.
    return aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=config.headers, requote_redirect_url=False)

class EnvConfig:
    Configuration read from environment variables.

    # Session scoped env vars
    serial_mode: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
    disable_range: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
    hide_progress: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
    debug_logging: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
    timeout_total: float = field(default=0, init=False)
    timeout_sock_read: float = field(default=90, init=False)
    override_use_aiofiles: bool = field(default=False, init=False)

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.serial_mode = "PARFIVE_SINGLE_DOWNLOAD" in os.environ
        self.disable_range = "PARFIVE_DISABLE_RANGE" in os.environ
        self.hide_progress = "PARFIVE_HIDE_PROGRESS" in os.environ
        self.debug_logging = "PARFIVE_DEBUG" in os.environ
        self.timeout_total = float(os.environ.get("PARFIVE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT", 0))
        self.timeout_sock_read = float(os.environ.get("PARFIVE_SOCK_READ_TIMEOUT", 90))
        self.override_use_aiofiles = "PARFIVE_OVERWRITE_ENABLE_AIOFILES" in os.environ

[docs] @dataclass class SessionConfig: """ Configuration options for `parfive.Downloader`. """ http_proxy: Optional[str] = None """ The URL of a proxy to use for HTTP requests. Will default to the value of the ``HTTP_PROXY`` env var. """ https_proxy: Optional[str] = None """ The URL of a proxy to use for HTTPS requests. Will default to the value of the ``HTTPS_PROXY`` env var. """ headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = field(default_factory=_default_headers) """ Headers to be passed to all requests made by this session. These headers are passed to the `aiohttp.ClientSession` along with ``aiohttp_session_kwargs``. The default value for headers is setting the user agent to a string with the version of parfive, aiohttp and Python. To use aiohttp's default headers set this argument to an empty dictionary. """ chunksize: float = 1024 """ The default chunksize to be used for transfers over HTTP. """ file_progress: bool = True """ If `True` (the default) a progress bar will be shown (if any progress bars are shown) for every file, in addition for one showing progress of downloading all file. """ notebook: Union[bool, None] = None """ Override automatic detection of Jupyter notebook for drawing progress bars. If `None` `tqdm` will automatically detect if it can draw rich notebook progress bars. If `False` or `True` notebook mode will be forced off or on. """ log_level: Optional[str] = None """ If not `None` configure the logger to log to stderr with this log level. """ use_aiofiles: Optional[bool] = False """ Enables using `aiofiles` to write files to disk in their own thread pool. The default value is `False`. This argument will be overridden by the ``PARFIVE_OVERWRITE_ENABLE_AIOFILES`` environment variable. If `aiofiles` can not be imported then this will be set to `False`. """ timeouts: Optional[aiohttp.ClientTimeout] = None """ The `aiohttp.ClientTimeout` object to control the timeouts used for all HTTP requests. By default the ``total`` timeout is set to `0` (never timeout) and the ``sock_read`` timeout is set to `90` seconds. These defaults can also be overridden by the ``PARFIVE_TOTAL_TIMEOUT`` and ``PARFIVE_SOCK_READ_TIMEOUT`` environment variables. """ aiohttp_session_generator: Optional[Callable[["SessionConfig"], aiohttp.ClientSession]] = None """ A function to override the generation of the `aiohttp.ClientSession` object. Due to the fact that this session needs to be instantiated inside the asyncio context this option is a function. This function takes one argument which is the instance of this ``SessionConfig`` class. It is expected that you pass the ``.headers`` attribute of the config instance through to the ``headers=`` keyword argument of the session you instantiate. """ env: EnvConfig = field(default_factory=EnvConfig) done_callbacks: Iterable[Callable[[str, str, Optional[Exception]], None]] = tuple() """ A list of functions to be called when a download is completed. The signature of the function to be called is `f(filepath: str, url: str, error: Optional[Exception])`. If successful, error will be None, else the occured exception or asyncio.CancelledError. """ @staticmethod def _aiofiles_importable(): try: import aiofiles except ImportError: return False return True def _compute_aiofiles(self, use_aiofiles): use_aiofiles = use_aiofiles or self.env.override_use_aiofiles if use_aiofiles and not self._aiofiles_importable(): warnings.warn( "Can not use aiofiles even though use_aiofiles is set to True as aiofiles can not be imported.", ParfiveUserWarning, ) use_aiofiles = False return use_aiofiles def __post_init__(self): if self.timeouts is None: timeouts = { "total": self.env.timeout_total, "sock_read": self.env.timeout_sock_read, } self.timeouts = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(**timeouts) if self.http_proxy is None: self.http_proxy = os.environ.get("HTTP_PROXY", None) if self.https_proxy is None: self.https_proxy = os.environ.get("HTTPS_PROXY", None) if self.use_aiofiles is not None: self.use_aiofiles = self._compute_aiofiles(self.use_aiofiles) if self.env.debug_logging: self.log_level = "DEBUG"
@dataclass class DownloaderConfig: """ Hold all downloader session state. """ max_conn: int = 5 max_splits: int = 5 progress: bool = True overwrite: Union[bool, Literal["unique"]] = False config: Optional[SessionConfig] = field(default_factory=SessionConfig) env: EnvConfig = field(default_factory=EnvConfig) def __post_init__(self): if self.config is None: self.config = SessionConfig() self.max_conn = 1 if self.env.serial_mode else self.max_conn self.max_splits = 1 if self.env.serial_mode or self.env.disable_range else self.max_splits self.progress = False if self.env.hide_progress else self.progress if self.progress is False: self.file_progress = False def __getattr__(self, __name: str): return getattr(self.config, __name) def aiohttp_client_session(self): if self.config.aiohttp_session_generator is None: return _default_aiohttp_session(self.config) return self.config.aiohttp_session_generator(self.config)